
Showing posts from July, 2013

Keep it real. Keep it simple...

Keep it real simple with real food. I get a lot of questions about what I eat on a daily basis. People know I'm pretty into food—good food—and love to be in the kitchen preparing and cooking it. For the non-cookers out there, just the thought of cooking seems daunting. I get it...that was me at one time. Although now I love to tackle and either create or re-create a new recipe, on a day-to-day basis I keep it pretty simple. So I thought I would share with you what's in store for my daily nourishment as I'm in between homes and traveling. I'm currently staying at a friend's house so I don't have my usual spices and tools, but even still I can create delicious and nutrient dense food pretty easily. For example, last night I had baked salmon with sauteed collard greens and onions, and baked butternut squash. I literally threw the salmon in the oven for 12 minutes with some salt, rosemary and pepper. As for the squash, I just lathered up the insides with coc...

Raw Berry Tart with Vanilla Bean Cashew Cream

Hello Friends! I'm sure those of you back in the states are getting ready for July 4th weekend festivities to include fireworks, BBQ, frosty beverages, friendly faces and a much deserved long weekend. Being so far away it almost escaped me, until I was pleasantly reminded on Facebook that it is indeed a holiday weekend. Instantly, I thought of one of my favorite raw desserts that is perfect for July 4th. It will cool you off, give you some antioxidants (via delicious fresh berries) and provide just the right sweetness to leave your heart and tummy feeling satisfied and content. Imagine a healthy dairy-free version of cheesecake. Does that spark your taste buds? Well this should do the trick. Some of you might have seen it last year on One Medical's blog , so if it's a repeat for you, my apologies. I thought it is well worth being reminded of as it is that good. I think I might have to go out and get the ingredients and make it in honor and celebration of this beautiful ho...